about the installation...


To initiate the process of consciously listening to the world around us.
To create a certain level of awareness about the world of soundscape.
To make the installation an ear-cleaning exercise.


Nada - an experience in sound is a sound installation - a
metaphorical 'ear-cleaning’ exercise that attempts an initiation into the
world of soundscape through listening. Over the past six years,
environmental sounds from various parts of India have been recorded.
The sounds have been composed and presented here as a series of
layers. One moves from one layer to the next as each layer further
dissolves into a more transparent sonic environment.

The Sound Wall
A composition of the sounds prevalent in our
urban habitat, dominated by mechanical sounds
that intrude upon our sonic environment, acting
as a virtual wall that prevents us from listening
to other underlying sounds, unless a conscious
effort is made

My Image
My Image

The Sound City
Presents a composition of sounds in our
environment when the wall dissolves into a more
transparent sonic environment, where sounds
of humans and human activity become audible

The Sound Walk
As one walks through this composition,
the sounds of nature reveal themselves and even
the human element slowly dissolves.

My Image
My Image

The Soniferous Garden
A virtual feast for the ears - a composition of
silent and sacred sounds that invites us to join
in, to move inwards and discover our own inner
core, to take a step towards becoming one with the sound of silence.

My Image

The Sound Wall
A composition of the sounds prevalent in our
urban habitat, dominated by mechanical sounds
that intrude upon our sonic environment, acting
as a virtual wall that prevents us from listening
to other underlying sounds, unless a conscious
effort is made.

My Image

The Sound City
Presents a composition of sounds in our
environment when the wall dissolves into a more
transparent sonic environment, where sounds
of humans and human activity become audible

My Image

The Sound Walk
As one walks through this composition,
the sounds of nature reveal themselves and even
the human element slowly dissolves.

My Image

The Soniferous Garden
A virtual feast for the ears - a composition of
silent and sacred sounds that invites us to join
in, to move inwards and discover our own inner
core, to take a step towards becoming one with the sound of silence.

To present the sonic city in such a manner where one moves from one layer to the next, is an attempt to remind each one of us that all such sounds exist in our urban habitats. And it is our right and responsibility as citizens of the world, to decide which sounds we wish to preserve and which to consciously reduce.