Writings about Hildegard Westerkamp

essays, articles, critical studies.

Velasco-Pufleau, Luis. 2023. “Listening Is Action: A Soundwalk With Hildegard Westerkamp”. Performance Philosophy 8 (1):86-100. https://doi.org/10.21476/PP.2023.81430.
- the sound documentary can be heard on Soundcloud https://soundcloud.com/luisvel...
- the sound documentary .wav file is available in open access here: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo...

Michael Clarke, Frédéric Dufeu, and Peter Manning, "Beneath the Forest Floor" in Inside Computer Music, Oxford University Press, 2021. Buy.

Frédérick Duhautpas, Makis Solomos, « Hildegard Westerkamp et l’écologie du son comme expérience », in Makis Solomos, Roberto Barbanti, Guillaume Loizillon, Kostas Paparrigopoulos, Carmen Pardo Salgado, (éd.), Musique et écologies du son. Propositions théoriques pour une écoute du monde, Paris, L’Harmattan, 2016, p. 75-84.
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Makis Solomos, Antoine Freychet, Frédérick Duhautpas, « Beneath the Forest Floor de Hildegard Westerkamp. Analyse d’une composition à base de paysages sonores », Analyse musicale, n°76, 2015, p. 34-42.
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Frédérick Duhautpas, Makis Solomos, « Hildegard Westerkamp and the Ecology of Sound as Experience », revue Soundscape. The Journal of Acoustic Ecology, vol. 13 n°1, 2013-14, p. 6-10.
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Playing with the Voice and Blurring Boundaries in Hildegard Westerkamp’s “MotherVoiceTalk”
by Alexa Woloshyn
In eContact! - CEC JTTP Sonus 14.4
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"Choral, Public and Private Listener Responses to Hildegard Westerkamp's École Polytechnique"
by Andra McCartney and Marta McCarthy
Music and Arts in Action, Volume 4 Issue 1, 2012
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Brandon LaBelle,
"Seeking Ursound: Hildegard Westerkamp, Steve Peters, and the Soundscape",
in Background Noise, Perspectives on Sound Art, Continuum International Publishing Group, New York, 2006, p. 201

Katharine Norman,
"The Same Trail Twice, Talking Rain with Hildegard Westerkamp",
in Sounding Art: Eight Literary Excursions Through Electronic Music, Ashgate Publishing Ltd. UK, 2004, pp. 75 - 99
Available for purchase on the Books page Download PDF

Kevin Bazzana,
"Hildegard Westerkamp"
Encyclopedia of Music in Canada, Second Edition, University of Toronto Press, 1992, revised online 2004.

Andra McCartney,
"Hildegard Westerkamp's Moments of Laughter: Recording Childhood, Performing Motherhood, Refusing to Shut up, and Laughing,"
Perspectives of New Music, Vol 38, N 1, 2000.

MacCormac, Sylvi. 1999.
"Conversing with Nature-Reflections on Hildegard Westerkamp's Talking Rain"
Musicworks, Number 74.

McCartney, Andra. 1999.
"Sounding Places: Situated Conversations through the Soundscape Work
of Hildegard Westerkamp"
Dissertation, York University, Toronto.
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LaBelle, Brandon. 1999.
"The Sound of Music, Contemporary Sound-Art and the Phenomenal World"
Art Papers Magazine, Atlanta, USA, Vol 23, No. 2.

McCartney, Andra. 1998.
"Soundwalk in the Park with Hildegard Westerkamp"
Musicworks, Number 72.

Zapf, Donna. 1997.
"British Columbia: Die Zeit, der Ort und die Musik"
Beiträge zur Neuen Musik 33.

Breitsameter, Sabine. 1997.
"Audio Art von der Westküste"
Beiträge zur Neuen Musik 33.

MacKenzie, Kirk. 1996.
Entry on Hildegard Westerkamp
in: New Grove Dictionary of Women Composers

McCartney, Andra. 1995.
"Inventing Images: Constructing and Contesting Gender in Thinking
about Electroacoustic Music"
Leonardo Music Journal, Vol.5 pp57-66.

Werner, Hans U. 1994.
"I am a composer, I recycle sound-
Zur Musik der Klangökologin Hildegard Westerkamp"
Musiktexte, Zeitschrift für neue Musik,Heft 54.

Bernstein, Tamara. 1993.
"Lament to the Women - Hildegard Westerkamp: École Polytechnique"
in Herizons, Women's News and Feminist Views, Vol. 7 No1.

Bazzana, Kevin. 1992.
Entry on Hildegard Westerkamp
in: Encyclopedia of Music in Canada,
Second Edition, University of Toronto Press.

Young, Gayle. 1984.
"Composing with Environmental Sound"
Musicworks, Number 26.

Zapf, Donna. 1981.
"Inside the Soundscape: the Compositions of Hildegard Westerkamp"
Musicworks, Number 15.